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What is Sociolinguistics? by Gerard Van Herk: A Review and PDF Download Option

What is Sociolinguistics?

Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that studies how language is used in social contexts. It investigates how language varies according to factors such as region, status, gender, time, attitude, interaction, and style. It also examines how language influences and reflects social phenomena such as identity, culture, ideology, power, change, and education. Sociolinguistics is an interdisciplinary field that draws on insights from sociology, anthropology, psychology, history, education, and media studies.

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One of the most popular and accessible introductions to sociolinguistics is Gerard Van Herk's book "What is Sociolinguistics?", published by Wiley-Blackwell in 2012. In this article, we will review this book and provide some information on how to download its PDF version.

Who is Gerard Van Herk?

Gerard Van Herk is a professor of linguistics at Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada. He is also the Canada Research Chair in Regional Language and Oral Text. He has researched and written on various topics in sociolinguistics, such as African American English, Caribbean English, Quebec French, Newfoundland English, language contact, variation, change, style, gender, ethnicity, and identity. He is also the co-editor of "Data Collection in Sociolinguistics: Methods and Applications", published by Routledge in 2013.

Van Herk has a PhD in linguistics from York University in Toronto. He has taught sociolinguistics at various universities in Canada, the United States, and the Netherlands. He is also an active member of several professional associations, such as the Linguistic Society of America, the American Dialect Society, the Canadian Linguistic Association, and the Society for Caribbean Linguistics.

What is the book "What is Sociolinguistics?" about?

The book "What is Sociolinguistics?" is a textbook designed for undergraduate students who are new to or less familiar with sociolinguistics. It aims to provide a comprehensive and engaging overview of the main issues and topics that define the field, as well as some examples of sociolinguistic research and applications. The book is divided into ten chapters, each covering a different aspect of sociolinguistics. Each chapter includes a summary, a list of key terms, some exercises, discussion questions, and suggested readings. The book also has a companion website that offers additional resources for instructors and students, such as PowerPoint slides, quizzes, audio clips, and links to relevant websites.

The book adopts a conversational and informal tone that makes it easy to read and understand. It also uses humor, anecdotes, and personal pronouns to engage the reader and relate sociolinguistics to everyday life. It also incorporates analogies and metaphors to explain complex concepts and phenomena. The book is richly illustrated with tables, figures, maps, charts, graphs, and photos that enhance its visual appeal and clarity. The book also provides numerous examples of language variation and use from different varieties of English and other languages around the world.

Chapter 1: What do sociolinguists do?

The first chapter introduces the field of sociolinguistics and explains what sociolinguists do and why they do it. It defines sociolinguistics as the study of language in relation to society and outlines its main goals and questions. It also describes the methods and tools that sociolinguists use to collect, analyze, and interpret language data. It explains the concepts of linguistic competence and performance, linguistic variation and change, linguistic levels and features, linguistic variables and variants, linguistic constraints and patterns, linguistic communities and networks, linguistic norms and rules, linguistic registers and genres, linguistic styles and identities, linguistic ideologies and attitudes.

Chapter 2: Where does language variation come from?

The second chapter explores the sources and patterns of language variation across regions, social groups, and situations. It explains how language varies according to factors such as geography, social class, age, gender, ethnicity, occupation, education, religion, etc. It also explains how language varies according to factors such as topic, setting, audience, purpose, mode, etc. It introduces the concepts of dialects and accents, sociolects and idiolects, styleshifting and codeswitching. It also introduces some models and theories that account for language variation and change, such as the gravity model, the wave model, the diffusion model, the social network model, the accommodation theory, the audience design theory, the community of practice theory, and the indexicality theory.

Chapter 3: Language attitudes

The third chapter examines how people perceive and evaluate different varieties of language and speakers. It explains how language attitudes are formed and expressed and how they affect language behavior and outcomes. It introduces the concepts of prestige and stigma, standard and non-standard, correctness and error, politeness and impoliteness, appropriateness and inappropriateness. It also introduces some methods and measures that sociolinguists use to study language attitudes, such as surveys and questionnaires, matched-guise tests and verbal-guise tests, attitude scales and rating scales, folk linguistics and metalinguistic comments.

Chapter 4: Style, context, and register

The fourth chapter analyzes how speakers use different linguistic features to signal different styles, contexts, and registers. It explains how style is a matter of choice and variation that reflects the speaker's identity and intention. It explains how context is a matter of situation and interaction that influences the speaker's language use and interpretation. It explains how register is a matter of convention and expectation that determines the speaker's language formality and functionality. It introduces the concepts of style markers and style shifting, context cues and context switching, register features and register mixing.

Chapter 5: Multilingualism and language choice

The fifth chapter discusses the phenomenon of multilingualism and the factors that influence language choice and maintenance. It explains how multilingualism is a common and complex reality that involves individuals, communities, and societies. It explains how language choice Chapter 5: Multilingualism and language choice

The fifth chapter discusses the phenomenon of multilingualism and the factors that influence language choice and maintenance. It explains how multilingualism is a common and complex reality that involves individuals, communities, and societies. It explains how language choice is a strategic and dynamic process that depends on various linguistic, social, and psychological factors. It explains how language maintenance is a challenging and controversial issue that relates to language rights, policies, and planning. It introduces the concepts of bilingualism and diglossia, code-switching and code-mixing, language shift and language death, language revival and language revitalization.

Chapter 6: Language contact and change

The sixth chapter investigates the effects of language contact on language change and diversity. It explains how language contact occurs when speakers of different languages or varieties interact and influence each other's linguistic systems and behaviors. It explains how language change occurs when speakers adopt or create new linguistic forms and functions over time and space. It explains how language diversity occurs when speakers maintain or develop distinct linguistic features and identities in different contexts and situations. It introduces the concepts of pidgins and creoles, loanwords and calques, convergence and divergence, innovation and diffusion, standardization and diversification.

Chapter 7: Language policy and planning

The seventh chapter reviews the role of language policy and planning in shaping language use and status. It explains how language policy is a set of official or unofficial decisions and actions that regulate or influence language practices and norms. It explains how language planning is a deliberate or organized effort to modify or improve language functions and structures. It explains how language policy and planning affect various domains and levels of language use, such as education, media, law, politics, economy, etc. It introduces the concepts of status planning and corpus planning, acquisition planning and cultivation planning, prestige planning and purism planning.

Chapter 8: Language, culture, and identity

The eighth chapter explores the relationship between language, culture, and identity in various contexts. It explains how language is a part of culture that reflects and constructs cultural values, beliefs, norms, and practices. It explains how culture is a part of language that influences and shapes linguistic meanings, expressions, and interactions. It explains how identity is a part of both language and culture that represents and negotiates who we are, how we relate to others, and how we position ourselves in the world. It introduces the concepts of cultural models and frames, speech acts and events, politeness and face, discourse and genre, narrative and performance.

Chapter 9: Language and gender/sexuality

The ninth chapter examines how language reflects and constructs gender and sexuality identities and ideologies. It explains how gender is a social and cultural category that distinguishes masculine and feminine roles, behaviors, and expectations. It explains how sexuality is a personal and interpersonal dimension that expresses sexual orientation, preference, and desire. It explains how language is a powerful and pervasive resource that communicates gender and sexuality differences, similarities, and variations. It introduces the concepts of gendered speech styles and features, gendered discourse communities and practices, gendered interactional patterns and strategies, gendered linguistic ideologies and stereotypes.

Chapter 10: Language and education

The tenth chapter evaluates the impact of language on education and learning outcomes. It explains how language is a crucial factor in determining educational access, quality, and equity. It explains how education is a crucial factor in shaping linguistic competence, performance, and development. It explains how language and education interact in various ways to affect students' cognitive, social, and emotional skills. It introduces the concepts of literacy and numeracy, bilingual education and immersion programs, language testing and assessment, language awareness and learning strategies.

How to download the PDF version of the book?

If you are interested in reading more about sociolinguistics or using this book as a textbook for your course, you might want to download its PDF version for convenience. There are several ways to do so, depending on your preferences and resources. Here are some possible options:

  • You can buy the e-book version from the publisher's website here for $35.00. You will need to create an account and use a credit card or PayPal to complete the purchase. You will then be able to download the PDF file to your device and access it anytime.

  • You can access the e-book version from your library's website if they have a subscription to Wiley Online Library. You will need to log in with your library credentials and search for the book title or ISBN (9781118960745). You will then be able to view the PDF file online or download it to your device for a limited period of time.

  • You can download the PDF version from a third-party website that offers free or cheap e-books. However, you should be careful about the legality and quality of these sources, as they might violate the author's and publisher's rights or contain viruses or malware. Some examples of these websites are and

Whichever option you choose, make sure you respect the author's and publisher's intellectual property and follow the ethical and academic standards of using and citing sources.


In this article, we have reviewed Gerard Van Herk's book "What is Sociolinguistics?" and provided some information on how to download its PDF version. We have summarized the main points of each chapter and highlighted some of the key concepts and examples that illustrate the field of sociolinguistics. We have also discussed some of the methods and measures that sociolinguists use to study language in social contexts. We hope that this article has given you a clear and comprehensive overview of what sociolinguistics is and why it is important and interesting to learn about it.

If you are looking for a textbook that covers the major issues and topics that define sociolinguistics in an engaging and accessible way, we highly recommend this book by Gerard Van Herk. It is suitable for undergraduate students who are new to or less familiar with sociolinguistics, as well as for anyone who is curious about how language works in society. It is also a valuable resource for instructors who want to teach sociolinguistics in a lively and interactive manner. The book is well-written, well-organized, well-illustrated, and well-supported by a companion website that offers additional materials and activities.

We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article and that you have learned something new about sociolinguistics. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them with us. Thank you for your attention and interest.


  • What is the difference between sociolinguistics and applied linguistics?

Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that studies how language is used in social contexts. Applied linguistics is a branch of linguistics that applies linguistic theories and methods to solve real-world problems related to language, such as language teaching, translation, communication, etc. Sociolinguistics is one of the subfields of applied linguistics, along with others such as psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, discourse analysis, etc.

  • What are some of the benefits of learning sociolinguistics?

Learning sociolinguistics can help you develop various skills and competencies, such as critical thinking, analytical reasoning, intercultural awareness, communication skills, research skills, etc. It can also help you understand yourself and others better, as well as appreciate the diversity and complexity of language and society.

  • What are some of the challenges of studying sociolinguistics?


  • What is the difference between sociolinguistics and applied linguistics?

Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that studies how language is used in social contexts. Applied linguistics is a branch of linguistics that applies linguistic theories and methods to solve real-world problems related to language, such as language teaching, translation, communication, etc. Sociolinguistics is one of the subfields of applied linguistics, along with others such as psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, discourse analysis, etc.

  • What are some of the benefits of learning sociolinguistics?

Learning sociolinguistics can help you develop various skills and competencies, such as critical thinking, analytical reasoning, intercultural awareness, communication skills, research skills, etc. It can also help you understand yourself and others better, as well as appreciate the diversity and complexity of language and society.

  • What are some of the challenges of studying sociolinguistics?

Studying sociolinguistics can be challenging because it involves dealing with large and diverse data sets, complex and dynamic phenomena, multiple and conflicting perspectives, ethical and political issues, etc. It also requires a lot of reading, writing, and thinking, as well as a willingness to learn from other disciplines and cultures.

  • What are some of the applications of sociolinguistics?

Sociolinguistics has many applications in various fields and domains, such as education, media, law, politics, business, health, etc. For example, sociolinguists can help design curricula and materials for language teaching and learning, analyze media texts and discourses for bias and manipulation, advise legal professionals and witnesses on language use and evidence, influence policy makers and planners on language rights and issues, assist business people and marketers on language strategies and branding, educate health professionals and patients on language barriers and communication.

  • How can I learn more about sociolinguistics?

If you want to learn more about sociolinguistics, you can read books and articles on the topic, such as Gerard Van Herk's "What is Sociolinguistics?" or other titles from the Linguistics in the World series. You can also take courses or workshops on sociolinguistics at your university or online. You can also join online forums or groups where you can discuss sociolinguistic topics with other learners or experts. You can also watch videos or podcasts on sociolinguistics that feature interviews or lectures by sociolinguists. You can also conduct your own sociolinguistic research or projects on topics that interest you.



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